Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Sophie's three!

Today is Princess Sophie's birthday. She is three. Hip hip hooray, oh frabjous day!! Last night was spent assembling things, as parents do, in preparation for the big day. She was fast asleep when I left for work this morning, but hopefully she's going to have the best birthday ever (till next time)!

Thursday, September 30, 2004

A first post...

Well, it's been a long time since the last missive from the Ministry. While our numbers have remained constant, our membership has grown considerable. Jessica, who at last report awaited her first birthday is now four and Sophie, who had just been born, will be three shortly. Your humble correspondent can only plead pressure of time, but hopes to get a flow of information, photos etc for those of you who are interested in the comings and goings of Jessica Julia Morgan and Sophie Fiona Emily.